Hello Crafty Scrappy Mamas!!!! Wow this year has flown by!!! Summer was a blur and with 2 of my 3 boys going to school now I am still just as busy as in the summer, only now I am doing home every night!! I have had sometime to create and plan tho!!! I also went to the Scrapbook Expo with Nicole!! We shopped and hung out it was fun!! I have videos on Youtube showing all my hauls... check them out below.
About this blog... since this blog is for my hobby I am no longer going to feel bad about not posting... I hate feeling like I HAVE to post!! I wish I had something mobile to with. I have a Kindle Fire and a Galaxy s3 but I haven't found that those are great for Blogger. So I can only get to posting when I have 10mins or so alone... which hardly happens. That being said I have some old news to get to.
IF YOU WON THE NATIONAL SCRAPBOOKING DAY mini contest I had PLEASE contact me again with you info. I still have your winnings but I don't have the addys.
New stuff: I'm doing my own December Daily and getting my Halloween layouts too!!
Follow me on Youtube and Instagram to see more from me!!! Thanks everyone... Also check the Gallery link above to see more pictures and what not!!
"When you can, Craft!" ~JES